There are a lot of things to keep in mind when you are prepared to transition your aging loved one into an assisted living facility. Meals, however, are one of the most important. While you may be focused on things like the layout of the apartments or how many clubs your parents can join, it is likely that they are thinking first about daily considerations such as how the climate in their new home will be controlled, and what they will eat. To set their minds at ease, there are several questions you should ask regarding eating when evaluating a potential assisted living facility.

Assisted Living Facilities in San Antonio, TXSome of these questions include:

  • Who is responsible for meal preparation? Is this the same person who devises the menus and shops for ingredients?
  • When are meals offered, and do residents have the opportunity to choose when they eat?
  • What special considerations can be made for dietary concerns such as diabetes, vegetarianism, gluten sensitivities, allergies or other concerns?
  • Are there several menu options available at each meal, or only an established menu?
  • Do residents have access to the kitchen or have the opportunity to participate in a meal preparation or menu planning?
  • Are beverages or snacks available throughout the day?
  • Can residents request extra helpings at meals?
  • Where do the residents eat? If there is a dining hall, can the residents choose to eat in their rooms?
  • Can family members come have meals with their loved ones?
  • When and how is the kitchen facility inspected for health and safety?
  • Where can I find information about health and safety violations that have been made by the facility in recent years?
  • How often are the kitchen and dining area cleaned?
  • What are your policies regarding residents preparing their own meals in their rooms, or having food brought or delivered to the facility?

Gathering this information can help you to get a good view of your elderly loved one’s comfort level while living in this particular system living facility. If you are uncomfortable with any of the answers that are provided to you, or don’t like what you see when inspecting the dining hall, don’t hesitate to bring up these concerns with the highest level of administration. Don’t choose to transition your aging loved one into a facility that makes you uncomfortable an area as important as daily eating. There are other facilities available, and it is likely that you will find one that better fits your requirements.

For more information about Pipestone Place Assisted Living Facilities in San Antonio, TX or to take a tour, call today (210) 718-0211.

Samuel Vesa
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