Assisted Living Facilities in San Antonio TX

Assisted Living Facilities in San Antonio TX

Seniors who spend time at an assisted living community will often report having a higher quality of life because of numerous factors. One of those factors is being surrounded by peers their own age, dealing with many of the same issues they face, and also enjoying a number of activities. Since every assisted living facility is different, it’s not feasible to say they all offer the same types of creative or artistic activities, entertainment, or other opportunities, but when it comes to those elderly men and women who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or some other type of dementia, creative activities can actually be beneficial.

Research suggests mental stimulation can slow the progress of the disease.

According to the Fisher Center for Alzheimer’s Research Foundation, studies show that mental stimulation through a wide range of activities, including doing puzzles, creative activities, and even conversations can potentially delay the onset of more serious aspects of memory loss, possibly for a few weeks, months, or even years.

Don’t misunderstand this: there is no cure for Alzheimer’s, but by delaying more serious components of memory loss for a little while, it may help improve quality of life for some time. Being surrounded by the right environment can be crucial for these aging men and women who have been diagnosed with this type of dementia.

Okay, what is the right type of environment?

Memory care assisted living is a far better option for those seniors who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. Not only will the staff at these assisted living communities have valuable experience, they will also provide a much better support system for those men and women who are struggling with their memory, have difficulty with various basic tasks each day, and who will require more direct support as the months progress into years.

As for creative activities, doing arts and crafts, being encouraged to do the crossword puzzle, playing strategic thinking games, and taking part in other activities can be extremely beneficial. Sitting and watching television programs all day is actually a passive activity in it’s not going to provide the brain very much in the way of mental stimulation. Of course, there are some programs, like Jeopardy, that can help provide some mental stimulation, but for the most part television and other similar types of entertainment are passive activities.

By being actively engaged in activities that stimulate the mind, it could pay dividends for a senior who has recently been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.

For more information about assisted living facilities in San Antonio, TX, contact Pipestone Place Assisted Living or to take a tour, call today (210) 718-0211.

Samuel Vesa
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