Care Homes in Hill Country Village TX

Care Homes in Hill Country Village TXMaking a move can be stressful. In fact, it is one of the most stressful situations in a person’s life. It sits right up there with divorce, the loss of a loved one, extreme financial pressure, and so on. Making a move to assisted living may very well be the best option for any given senior, and even for those who are enthusiastic about it, they will probably face certain challenges.

Below are five common challenges some seniors face when making this transition and choosing assisted living for their future.

Potential Challenge #1: Giving up their space.

Even if the senior is moving from an apartment into an assisted living facility, they probably have more space in that apartment than they will have in their new room.
Some people get accustomed to the space they have, and suddenly having to downsize can feel a bit overwhelming.

Potential Challenge #2: Feeling like they’re losing independence.

Some seniors feel that choosing assisted living is giving up a significant amount of their independence. After all, won’t there be staff members surrounding them? Will there be people telling them what they can or can’t do, when they can be out and about, or where they need to be at any given time?

No, there won’t. Yes, there will be staff members on site, but people who choose assisted living are still fully independent and can make decisions about where they go, when they go there, and what activities they choose to take part in.

Potential Challenge #3: Making new friends.

Some people are extremely shy. Others may make friends relatively easy. For those who struggle to make friends, this can be a significant challenge. Some may feel that their skills in conversation leave something to be desired.

Over time, though, this challenge is usually easily overcome, especially by other friendly, outgoing seniors who share that assisted living community.

Potential Challenge #4: Discovering activities.

Trying to figure out what’s going on at any given day may feel challenging, even when calendars are provided and supplied. Most staff members at these communities, though, are more than willing to share information and help their elderly residents find the activities that interest them most.

Potential Challenge #5: Letting go of past habits associated with living alone.

A senior may prefer to walk around in nothing but a bathrobe. Suddenly, in this new environment, it might not be as comfortable for them as they would like.

Aside from crass, rude, or illegal activity, many behaviors are acceptable, as long as they don’t offend other residents.

Challenges will occur in any situation; it’s how people deal with those challenges that helps them feel more comfortable in a new environment.

For more information about Pipestone Place Assisted Living in San Antonio, TX or to take a tour, call today (210) 718-0211.

Samuel Vesa
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