Planning for a Move to Assisted Living in Hollywood Park, TX
Most of us cringe at the thought of moving. It takes time and planning and can be quite tiresome. It is not much different for our elderly loved ones when the time comes that they
can no longer remain living at home. The whole concept of leaving their place of comfort and surroundings can be overwhelming and bring about a sense of loss of independence and control over their life. As a caregiver, there are ways that you can help with the transition to an assisted living facility.
When planning a move to an assisted living facility, it is important that you keep your loved one in the loop. Many seniors feel that going into a facility is just a way for the family to be rid of them. Assure your loved one that this isn’t the case. Listen to his or her fears and concerns. Be positive about the great opportunities in store for them.
Many seniors find it difficult to downsize from a house to an apartment or room. Downsizing can be a painful process knowing they can’t take all of their belongings. Help your loved one determine which items they should take and which items they should leave behind. Respect their wishes on what to do with the stuff left behind. They may wish to donate to family members or have an estate sale to raise funds.
The move is going to be exhausting for your loved one both physically and emotionally. It’s important that you plan on making extra visits in the days and weeks following the move. This will help reassure him or her that they weren’t just put somewhere to be forgotten about.
Prior to moving, it is important that you get your loved one’s finances in order. Most assisted living facilities or communities will want documentation of income and assets. Get the home appraised, especially if you plan on deferring the sale of the house to the cost of care.
This may be the time to plan on having your loved one choose a power of attorney for when the time comes that they can no longer make decisions on their own. There will be documents that you and your loved one will have to sign when moving into assisted living. Be sure that the documents specify the type of care that your loved one will receive before signing.
Initially the move to an assisted living facility can be frightening and overwhelming, but gradually they will see the benefits. They won’t be isolated and lonely. Most facilities have activities and social events to keep them active and interacting with others.
For more information about Pipestone Place Assisted Living in Hollywood Park, TX or to take a tour, call today (210) 718-0211.
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