Assisted Living in Alamo Heights, TXYour mother has been showing signs that she’s struggling to care for herself at home. You’ve been told that it’s time to start thinking about some form of elderly care, but while your sister mentioned home care, you know that she’d be best served moving to assisted living.

Now what?

The question is a common one for family members of an elderly loved one. Sometimes we think that we know what’s best for our loved ones, even though we don’t take into account what he or she would prefer. The most important thing to consider when the topic of assisted living comes up is to make sure that you respect your loved one’s desire and opinion.

If your mother has hinted that she would like to look into an assisted living facility, or she has been inclined to want to consider it as an option, then that’s an important thing. If she has said that she would never consider assisted living, then you need to step back and respect her decision. She may be older and she may have trouble caring for herself at home, but that doesn’t mean that she has given up her own authority to make decisions about her care.

What if she just doesn’t know? What if she is on the fence about the proper level of care? Then you want to provide her with as much information –unbiased information- about assisted living so that she can determine if it would have to offer something that interests her.

What about when you’re dealing with other family members, such as a sibling, who believe that your mother should remain in the comfort of her home? That’s a reasonable solution, too, with the assistance of home care providers.

Every option should be discussed, including the pros and cons of each of those options. It’s easy to become headstrong and to think that you know what’s best for your loved ones, especially those who are struggling to care for themselves at home. However, there are many options that are available to seniors throughout the country.

Assisted living is one of those options. There are many benefits to an assisted living facility, including being surrounded by others their own age with similar interests, activities, and transportation options to doctors and shopping. Don’t make a decision for your loved one. Instead, help her make the right decision for herself by providing the right information.

For more information about Pipestone Place Assisted Living in Alamo Heights, TX or to take a tour, call today (210) 718-0211.

Samuel Vesa
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