Assisted Living Facilities in Hollywood Park TX:

Assisted Living Facilities in Hollywood Park TX:

Making a significant life decision, like moving into assisted living, is not often easy for most seniors. It may take time. Watching an aging parent or even a grandparent, for example, struggle with their basic care at home can certainly cause somebody to be concerned about them. That can lead to a sense of urgency and, unfortunately, a lack of patience when this important decision needs to be made … now.

However, being supportive of an aging senior who is contemplating assisted living is absolutely crucial. There are numerous things each of us can do to exhibit that supportive nature more clearly.

First, listen more.

Listening is often one of the most overlooked and underused communication devices. We have a tendency to talk more when we feel we’re right, and when the topic of assisted living has come up, it’s too easy to try and talk over a senior and his or her objections.

Instead, learn to be quiet and listen to that elderly person more often. In their objections, questions, or other comments you may actually discover clear reasons why assisted living would be better for them and, when you simply listen, they may even come to that realization on their own.

Second, research assisted living.

Find out as much as you can about assisted living in the area and in general. The more you know about assisted living, the easier it will be for you to counter general objections this senior may have, most commonly the direct result of misconceptions they’ve heard through the years.

Third, offer to take this senior on assisted living tours.

Quality assisted living facilities will offer tour opportunities for prospective residents and their families. They may most commonly take place on the weekends, but they could also be provided during the week. Make an offer to take this aging senior on one or several tours of various facilities in the area.

Nothing is more effective at convincing a person this would be a great place to live than seeing it firsthand.

Lastly, ask questions of the senior and … listen.

Ask about things he or she is missing out on, activities they would love to do again, or what they tend to do on their average day. Listen to their answers. If they report feeling lonely, isolated, or wishing they could go to the park, walk around the mall, or do other things with friends, this could be an opening to then talk about assisted living again.

For more information about assisted living facilities in Hollywood Park, TX, contact Pipestone Place Assisted Living or to take a tour, call today (210) 718-0211.

Samuel Vesa
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