Natural disasters can happen to anyone, anywhere and at any time. These disasters can be incredibly frightening as well as dangerous, and particularly for those seniors who are assisted living facilities it can be a truly terrifying experience for the senior and for his loved ones. Handling natural disasters effectively is critical to ensuring safety and survival during these situations. While some natural disasters are relatively minor and can be overcome quickly and easily, others are more devastating and will require extensive effort to get through them. If you are the family caregiver of an aging adult was transitioned into an assisted living facility, it is important that you understand the time it to prepare your aging loved one of four a natural disaster is not after one has already happened, but before. Natural disasters are not something to be looked at as a lesson to learn from, and you should not wait for one to happen in order to put plans and considerations in to place for the next time.

Assisted Living in Hill Country Village, TXDepending on where you live, the natural disasters that you may face very. It is important that you are aware of the types of natural disasters that are more common in your area so that you are able to prepare for them effectively. Some of the most important ways that you can prepare an aging adult living in an assisted living facility for a natural disaster include:

  • Make sure your aging loved one is aware of all evacuation routes throughout the facility, including those out of her individual residence and those out of common areas. You can never be sure that your aging loved one will actually be in her home when a natural disaster hits, so it is critical that she be aware of more than one way to get out of the building if this becomes necessary.
  • Consult with the administration of the assisted living facility in regards to emergency preparedness. Ask about the plans that they have in place for handling natural disasters of various kinds, and inquire about any form of training that is done within the facility to prepare the residents for such an event. If you are uncomfortable about the measures that are taken within the assisted living facility to protect aging residents during a natural disaster, you may want to consider transferring your loved one to a different facility or putting plans into place to bring your loved one into your own home when there is an impending natural disaster.
  • Make sure your aging loved one is prepared with adequate supplies to handle at least a week of emergency conditions. While this may seem excessive, particularly in light of the relatively limited space that is common in assisted living facilities, it is important to keep in mind that natural disasters can be incredibly persistent, and that there may be others in the assisted living facility who are not as well prepared. Making sure that your aging loved one has more than adequate supplies will help her get to the situation effectively, and help others who may be in need.
  • When putting together your aging loved one’s emergency preparedness supplies, never underestimate the amount of fresh water that may be needed during a natural disaster. Fresh water is not just for drinking. It can also be used for basic hygiene, cleaning wounds, preparing meals and other important tasks that will help your aging loved one get through the situation. Storing fresh water in gallon jugs is a much more efficient choice than individual water bottles. You may also want to consider including water purification tablets in your loved one’s emergency preparedness supplies. These water purification tablets can take non-potable water and make it safe to drink.
  • Always make sure your aging loved one is kept up-to-date on the events, and is fully informed of any impending and natural disasters. While you may want to protect your aging loved one from this information in order to keep her from panicking, not being aware that such an event may occur will lead to increased fear should the natural disaster actually hit. Making sure that your aging loved one is aware of an impending natural disaster will allow her to prepare herself and her home for the event.

For more information about Pipestone Place Assisted Living in Hill Country Village, TX or to take a tour, call today (210) 718-0211.

I enjoy working, but when I’m not working, I love spending time with my family and the coolest kid, my son.We visit the zoo and ride the train often. We play games and just have fabulous fun.I enjoy reading every chance I get.My favorite pie is pumpkin pie.
Samuel Vesa
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